
Agriculture Department

Different Activities of Agriculture Department of Malda District
A) Krishak Bandhu:
i) Krishak Bandhu (New): Farmers get benefited of maximum 10,000/- in two instalment
kharif & Rabi @ Rs 5000 depending upon their land area for highest 1 Acre of land.
ii) Krishak Bandhu (Death Benefit) : For any type of Death of farmers , between ( 18- 60
years), his family will get one time ex gratia of Rs 200000/-.
B) Farm Mechanisation:
i) FSSM: Extending financial Support as subsidy to small & marginal formers for purchase of
farm equipment /machinery .
ii) OTA-SFI: One Time Assistance upto Rs 10,000/- is provided to the beneficiary farmer for
purchase of small implements limited to 50% of the cost of the implement.
iii) CHC: Subsidy @ 40% of the Project Cost to a maximum amount of Rs 100 lakh is extended
to applicants for setting up of CHC in the rural area.
C) Bangla Shyasha Bima (BSB) :
All farmers including share coppers and tenant farmers growing the notified crops into
notified areas during Kharif &rabi season are eligible to come under BSB Scheme.
D) Bangla Krishi Sech Yojana (BKSY) :
Micro irrigation (Drip &Sprinkler) for enhancing water use efficiency.
E) Agricultural Infrastructure Fund(AIF):
This project provides benefit to the Agri- entrepreneurship for establishing primary
processing unit in respect of :
i) There will be no co-lateral security in bank loan up to 2.0 crore.
ii) There will have 3% interest sub-vention on bank loan upto 2.0 Crore.
F) Agricultural Input Licensing:
Department issues license for dealing with agri-inputs like seed, fertilizer & pesticide
so that the farmers may get inputs for farming in good quality & in proper time for farming.
G) Insect Pest Management:
It is a prime important step to get a good crop , It is done by regular field visit by the technical
experts of this department .Technical experts suggest farmers to adopt need based methods
of Cultural , Biological & Chemical management to assure eco-friendly good harvest.
H) ATMA (Agricultural Technology Management Association:
i) Capacity building of Farmers by training .
ii) Farm School: 6(six) weeks farmers training, based on unit stage of ATMA DC crops

Details of Beneficiaries under KBDB for month of November & December, 2022, Malda

Details of Beneficiaries under KBDB for month of January’2023, Malda

Details of Beneficiaries under KBDB for month of February’2023, Malda

Details of Beneficiaries under KBDB for month of March & April,2023, Malda

Details of Beneficiaries under KBDB for month of May,2023, Malda

Details of Beneficiaries under KBDB for month of June,2023, Malda

Details of Beneficiaries under KBDB for month of July,2023, Malda

Details of Beneficiaries under KBDB for month of August,2023,Malda

Anti Crop Residue Burning Programme photos