
District Planning Section

The Department of Planning, Department of Statistics and Programme Implementation were merged in the month of December in the year 2016. Department of Planning, Statistics and Programme Monitoring (PS and PM) was created. Some of the important activities of this department are –

  1. Preparing short-term and long-term PLANs for the comprehensive development of the state.
  2. Act as nodal department for implementation and monitoring of MPLADS, BEUP, NRDMS, 20-Point Programmes and Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Projects.
  3. Coordination of Statistical works of different Departments of the Government of West Bengal.

Accordingly, there are different cells within the structure of the organization. Some of the Cells are –

  1. Planning & District Planning Committee Cell
  2. BEUP Cell
  3. MPLADS Cell
  4. NRDMS Cell

At Malda, the District Administration is very careful about the comprehensive development of the district and the Department plays an important role in the field of Planning, monitoring, coordinating and in preparing exhaustive reports on the progress of works by the several Departments in the best possible way through the proper use of Science and Technology.